First official post

Posted over 5 years

Hi everyone,

This is the first official post of my personal Blog. I won’t bore you with some code example , for now πŸ˜‰. so i will give a small walk around about the tech stack this blog.

This is a MERN stack application. meaning backend powered by ExpressJs database is MongoDb and front end ReactJs . which is a quite popular tech stack in 2019.

Mongo Express React Node makes the MERN acronym.

let's start with the frontend. so as i said before i used react to build frontend app .bootstrap for styling. and responsive react modal for the popup in comment section. pretty standard stuff.

backend is build using ExpressJs . the reason whole backed is existing is because i implemented a commenting section .In original design i thought only to post without any comments, but later changed my mind as usual. after keeping track of comments, i implemented a views counter just out of curiosity.First version was not good. i mean i got a new view for every page refresh .So i improve it and now a bit better than the previous counter.

for hosting frontend is hosted in Github pages. and backend is hosted in Heroku server.

I will later write a post about both of them

so that's it. I'll try to post frequently with my findings.

thanks for reading so far. have a nice day

Forged βš’ by the Dark Lord Rizky, in the FiresπŸ”₯ of Mount Doom πŸŒ‹